HTHS vs Gadsden City
The Huskies win again! And it was a fun one! Here is what I noticed on Friday because I noticed a lot! Maybe it was the flyover that got me all in my feelings but here is what I noticed about my hometown & my current town!
The first thing this town loves everything Hewitt Trussville! The community loves the band, the mascots, the football team, the dog pound, and even our student section. This game they honored our Veterans with a flyover. I have never seen anything like it before.
The second thing I am super thankful for is our Athletic Trainer team! This group not only takes care of our football team but anyone else who needs it. A few weeks ago I saw them run to take care of a band member and this past Friday they took care of Jillian (my daughter). She tripped over something during pregame and sprained her ankle. She was ok but they iced it and taped it up to make sure she was ready to perform halftime. She is still hurting a little but will be ok.
The third thing I think we can all learn a little but about cheering on our fellow friend, team, dancer, player etc. from the football team! I watched lots and I mean lots of football players cheering on their fellow player when they made an amazing play. I also watched as the Gadsden City Band cheered on our band as they marched in at the beginning of the game and then as they marched out at the end of the game. I truly believe this generation will be a generation that will change the world! Do not loose hope they are pretty amazing!
Enjoy a few (well a lot) of my favorite images from the game. I am not sure how many I will take this week as we are on the road traveling to Vestavia. But I will share with you all what I do take.