Fallon ~ HTHS Class of 2025

This is a tough post, for those who do not know beautiful Fallon is my precious niece! My sister and I were pregnant at the same time so she is also the cousin twin to my dude. I prayed for many years that my sister and I would have kids close in age. With us being 6 years apart I honestly never thought it would happen. But God answered those prayers and we have 4 beautiful cousins that grew up together so closely! Fallon & Grayson are 2 days apart by the calendar but like 18 hours apart. That was a fun time (my poor mom). Boy was it fun! But what I was not prepared for was the emotions as everyone starts leaving back to back!

My gorgeous gorgeous Fallon, I am so so proud of you. I love your laughter, your joy and your crazy bluntness (you may get that from me). You are a wonderful friend and I am so thankful to be your aunt! I can't not wait to see what God has in store for you!

A note to my followers I apologize in advance there may be 4 more sessions of this gorgeous girl and her friends! Just giving you a heads up, remember I am a very proud aunt!